
Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dum de de dum da dum dummm.... 

*whistles*-Well, actually I can't whistle
*twiddles thumbs*
This is what my days are like, now that I am out of school. When I was in school, I was oh so busy. I had plenty of hours at work, and there was always something going on at church. Now that I'm out of school, there's not a dang thing to do. I have less hours at work, and only regular church services to attend now. Nothing is worth watching on daytime television. I can only sleep in for so long. This is the first time in a long time that I have actually been ready to go back to school. Ready and willing. If they had a Christmas break semester, I'd so be there. Madness no?

Monday, December 15, 2003

Where's the music 

Okay, i'm out of school now. Woot! When i am not working i either read or watch some TV. During the day i watch more TV than read cause i want to catch up on what i have missed while in school. The one thing i want to catch up on is my music. I end up spending a good two hours flipping from VH1-MTV-BET(no particular order) Anywho with these 3 MUSIC channels there is no frelling music to be heard or seen. All they are focused on is how the musicians are living. Now it was nice seeing how well so-n-so in the entertainment industry has got it but after the 2nd time i seriously was jonesing for my music. I know these people make money and are livin' large etc.. Because i am the fool is going out there buying the music and my imagination is wild enough to understand how well you can be living after selling X-million CD's. It seems like CMT is the only one staying true to the music video idea..I'm mad at that.

Friday, December 12, 2003


We have this little computer that someone gave us, and I kinda wish they never did. It is really old, like from the early 90's. It is small and ugly, and hardly works. Like, in it's Microsoft Word, it only has like 10 or so different fonts to choose from. Old indeed. Mother dear will not let me throw it away. Noone uses it but Symone from time to time, and then only to type for fun or to play hangman. It is junk. I cannot throw it away. I'm mad at that.

Mad at it 

This is where we shall post and share our madness.

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